Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thanksgiving Feast...

At school the students could dress up as indians and pilgrims and of course Lesli and I did too, because we never ever miss out on a chance to dress up. 

Thankful for:

   my family:

Mom: You taught us the importance of loving God, people and the arts. You encouraged us to be our own by not caring what other people thought of you; you showed us how to care for our environment by teaching us to clean and picking up trash wherever you went. And you did it all smiling and dancing and being crazy. And still are.

Dad: You are the coolest. I may have gotten my shyness from you, but you also passed on your love for music and your cleanliness (OCD?).

Dylum: You are still my best bud. Keep dancing and creating. For.ev.er.

Lesli: Best fran. Wild Heart. Grumpy angel on my shoulder. Hee hee. Best singing partner.

Cody: I was remembering you as a toddler tonight and almost cried. And then I thought of you calling me buddy. And I laughed. You are one of the best artists I know. Seriously.

Hannah: Ooga Booga Suga Boo, Hannah Banana, Bopadoobop, Scooterboo. You know what I just said.

My honey: (secrets, sppp sppsss, psstt) It is kind of embarressing how long me and our friends can go on and on talking about how amazing you are and then realizing you are someone we know and we are about to see you walking through the door. I love your tender heart, your bending voice, your sharp wit and your sweet hugs. I am so proud of you.  And totally in love with you.


 my job(s):

I get paid to hug a bunch of precious children and teach them to read and draw and tell them they are loved.                    Best.Job.Ever.

   my home:

I am a homebody. I just love laying on my bed in the most beautiful bedroom ever. I love sitting at home and drawing or reading. I love listening to one (or four) of the different bands living in our house practicing down the hall. I love hearing roommates and friends chatting in the other room. I love just sitting on the porch enjoying Highland.

  my friends:

So many of my friends are like extended family. I love you all!

Sisters for life.

I am thankful for so much.

This has been mushy enough, but I just wanted to let y'all know. K?

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